P O L Y T R I C H U M nanum.
Slender Round-headed Hair-moss.
Gen. C h a r . Outer fringe of 32 or 64 short incurved
teeth : inner a flat undivided membrane. Veil generally
double : the outer hairy.
Spec. C h a r . Leaves linear, obtuse, slightly serrated.
Capsule turbinate, drooping. Fruit-stalk zigzag.
Stem very short.
S y n . Polytrichum nanum. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 9 5 . Crypt,
v. 1. 35. t. 13. Menz. Tr. o f Linn. Soc. v. 4. 69.
Sm. FI. Brit. 1379. Huds. 470, (3. Hull. 24 7!
Belli. 416. Sibth. 306. Turn. Muse. Hib. 89.
Ehrh. Crypt. 54.
P. subrotundum. Curt. Lond.fasc. 2. t. 68. With.
796. Abbot.'23%.
P. nanum, capsulis subrotundis galeritis, aloes folio
non serrato. Dill. Muse. 428. t. 55. f . 6. G__L.
P. minus, capsulis subrotundis, calyptrâ quasi lacerâ
coronatis, Raii Syn. 91.
Mnium polytrichoides a. Linn. Sp. Pi. 1576.
F r e q u e n t in dry heathy places, flowering in the early
Root supposed to be annual. Whole plant much like P. sul-
rotundum, except that it is somewhat larger, the leaves narrower,
for the most part serrated, though obscurely, and less
rigid than in that species. The fruit-stalk is nearly an inch and
half high, slender, wavy or zigzag, twisted when dry. Capsule
more or less drooping, rather more oblong than in the
last-mentioned species. Fringe as in that, with a similar internal