[ 2527 ]
Shady Jungermannia.
CRYPTOGAM1A Hepaticce.
Gen. Char. Male flowers sessile. Anthers stalked.
Capsule on a stalk, rising from a sheath, of 4 valves.
Seeds attached to elastic filaments.
Spec..C h a r . Ascending, somewhat branched. Leaves
two-ranked, acute, serrated; their side-lobes convex,
roundish-ovate, not half so large. Sheaths
terminal, curved, compressed, abrupt, entire.
Syn. Jungermannia umbrosa. Schrad.Samml.fasc.'Z.5.
Hooker Brit. Jung. t. 24.
C o m m u n ic a t e d by Mr. Turner, but without fructification,
which therefore we have borrowed from Mr. Hooker.
This species is said to grow, in small dense patches, amongst
other similar plants, on several Scottish and Irish mountains.
The stems are from half an inch to an inch high, rising rather
obliquely, and more or less branched. They are reddish, and the
pale green foliage has also a similar tint here and there. The
leaves are closely imbricated in two rows, like those of complanata,
t. 2499, &c., and like them unequally two-lobed; but the
smaller lobes, in the present species, lie uppermost. Both lobes
are convex, serrated and acute, of an obliquely roundish-ovate
shape, and the plant has altogether a neat braid-like appearance.
Sheaths terminal, oblong, curved, with an abrupt entire margin.
Schrader says it blossoms in summer ^