HYPNUM adnatum.
Depressed Feather-moss.
G en. Char. Caps, ovate-oblong, from a lateral scaly
sheath. Outer fr in g e o f 16 teeth, dilated at the base:
inner a variously-toothed membrane. Veil smooth.
Spec. Char. Stem creeping. Branches nearly simple.
Leaves ovate, sharp-pointed, entire, concave.
Lid conical.
Syn. H y p n um adnatum. Hedw. Sp. M u se . 248. t. 64.
ƒ . 5— 10, Sm. FI. B rit. 1303. Turn. Muse.
Hib. 165.
O N E of Mr. Turner’s original specimens, gathered at Rath-
mines, near Dublin, by Dr. WLitley Stokes, is drawn in our
plate. This moss has short stems, creeping on the ground,
and throwing up several, nearly erect, short, and generally
simple branches, entirely clothed with leaves imbricated every
way, and but slightly spreading. The colour of the leaves
is a tawny or reddish green, with some gloss; they are small,
ovate, sharp-pointed, concave and entire. They have been
hitherto thought to have no nerve, and Hedwig has so figured
them; but Mr. J . D. Sowerby has found a strong though short
nerve at the base, both in the leaves of the stem, and those of
the sheath, which last differ from the rest only in being narrower.
The fruitstalks are an inch high, deep red, smooth.
Capsule drooping, or nearly horizontal, ovate, smooth, of a
rusty brown, with a slightly dilated orifice. Lid conical,
short, oblique. The entire leaves and short lid still keep this
distinct enough from H. confertum, see next plate, notwithstanding
the rib or ncrye.