é>K [ 1665 ]
HYPNUM palustre.
Creeping Marsh Feather-moss.
G e n . C h a r . Caps, ovate-oblong, from a lateral scaly
sheath. Outer fringe of 16 teeth, dilated at the base:
inner a variously-toothed membrane. V?il smooth.
S p e c . C h a r . Stem creeping. Branches erect. Leaves
lanceolate, concave, nerveless, curved to one side,
some of them spreading. Capsule drooping. Lid
S y n . Hypnum palustre. Linn. Sp. PI. 1593. Sm. FI.
Brit. 1329. Huds. 50-'. With. 857. Hull. '272.
Turn. Muse. Hib. 191.
H. luridum. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 291. Crypt, v. 4. 99.
t. 38. Dicks. Crypt, fa s c. 4. 18.
H. heterophyllum aquaticum polycephalum repens.
Dill. Muse. 293. t. 37- f 27, A, not B .' Herb. Dill.
F o u n d in marshy or watery places, generally growing on
stones, or rotten wood, and bearing fruit in June and July.
Our specimens were gathered near Arundel by Mr. Turner
and Mr. W. Borrer.
The stems are perennial, creeping, entangled, an inch or
two long, leafy or naked. Branches rather distant, erect,
mostly simple, half an inch, or an inch in height, leafy, cylindrical.
Leaves loosely imbricated, for the most part#curved
or curled to one side (except on some branches which Hedwig
says bear male flowers), ovate, concave, entire, more or less
acute, beardless, without any rib, of a rather dull or brownish
green. Sheaths pale brown, their leaves long and narrow,
each marked, as Mr. Turner observes, with 2 parallel brown
furrows from the base to the tip. Fruitstalks orange red,
shining, about an inch long. Capsule drooping, curved, of
a short, ovate, somewhat cylindrical figure, and tawny brown
colour. Lid short, conical, with a little short point.
N o v.n S o 6 . P u b lish <7 b y J a ? Sow erby, L o ndon .