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Gen. Char. Male flowers sessile.
Capsule on a stalk rising from a sheath, of 4 valves.
Seeds attached to elastic filaments.
Spec. Char. Shoots slightly branched, creeping.
Leaves in two rows, pointing one way, imbricated,
roundish, entire. Sheaths lateral.
Syn. Jungermanniasphagni. Dicks. Crypt, fa s c .l. 6.
t. 1. ƒ. 10. With. 872. Hull. 278.
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J 'lR S T discovered by Mr. Dickson, in bogs near Croydon,
Surrey, growing generally upon the common Sphagnum palustre.
Our specimens were sent from the New Forest, by Mr. Lyell;
but Mr. Dickson alone, amongst all our botanical acquaintance,
having seen the fruit, we are obliged to have recourse to his figure,
the original drawing of which indeed is in our possession.
This delicate plant creeps over the Bog-moss, like J. connivens,
t. 2436, but in a more erect position, being often quite simple,
sometimes furnished with short lateral branches. The leaves are
imbricated in two rows, both turned one way, destitutem of scales
or auricles, sessile, roundish, uniform and entire, of a pale whitish
green, with some tincture of red. Sheaths lateral, solitary between
the two rows of leaves, near the top or bottom of each
shoot, pale, tipped slightly with brown. Capsule and stalk
small and delicate.