1 1 * [ 1 4 7 3 ]
B R Y U M marginatum.
Thick-redged Thread-moss.
G e n . C h a r . Caps, ovate-oblong, smooth. Fringe
double: outer of 16 teeth, broad at their base: inner
a toothed membrane. Flowers terminal.
S p e c . C h a r . Stem simple. Leaves' lanceolate, acute,
finely toothed; thickened at the margin. Capsule
ovate. Lid conical.
S y n . B ry um m a rg in a tum . Dicks. Cryp t, fa s c . 2 . 9 . t. 5.
ƒ . 1 . Sm. FL B r it. 1 3 6 2 . W ith . 8 4 1 . Hull. 267.
T u rn . Muse. Hih. 1 2 9 .
Mnium crudum. L ig h t/, 712,
T h e Rev. Dr. Burgess, so often quoted in the FI. Scotica,
first found this moss in woods and moist shady places in
Dumfriesshire, From him I obtained corresponding specimens
with those which he gave Mr. Lightfoot, who mentions the
plant as Mnium crudum, very incautiously translating from
Dillenius a description extremely foreign to the purpose.
Mr* Dickson found the same moss in Scotland, and first
named it properly. Our specimens were found, and determined,
at Copgrove, Yorkshire, by our very obliging correspondent
the Rev. James Dalton.
It is perennial, bearing fruit in April or May. The stems
are simple, red, leafy, upright, about an inch high. Leaves
elliptic-lanceolate, acute, wavy, finely toothed, especially in
the upper part, remarkable for a thick cartilaginous margin,
which, as well as the rib, is often red. Fruit-stalk solitary,
erect, an inch long, flesh-coloured. Capsule pendulous, ovate.
Lid conical at the base, with a taper point. Veil awl-shaped,
brown or reddish, curved generally upwards as it grows.