JUNGERMANNIA tamariscina.
Tamarisk Jungermannia.
Gen. Char. Male flowers sessile.
Capsule on a stalk rising from a sheath, of 4 valves.
Seeds attached to elastic filaments.
Spec. Char. Shoots creeping, branched and pinnate.
Leaves imbricated in two rows, roundish, convex,
entire, with an inflated side-lobe. Scales notched,
revolute. Sheaths terminal, obovate, bluntly triangular,
Syn. Jungermannia tamariscina. Linn. Sp. PI. 1600.
Huds. 5 !4 With: 879. Hull. WO. L ig h t/. 782.
lielh. 449. Sibth. 311. Abbot. 253. Hooker
B iit. Jung. t. 6 .
Lichenastrum imbricatum, Tamarisci Narbonensis
facie. Dill. Muse. 499. t. 7 2. f . 31.
P o u n d abundantly on the ground in rather mountainous
heathy countries. We hasten to correct an error, pointed out
by Mr. Hooker, in our v. 16. t. 1086, where J. dilatata is
figured for the present species. They are nearly akin, and both
belong to the curious tribe with inflated side-lobes. Both have
two rows of round convex entire leaves, along the upper side of
the stem, and an obovate terminal sheath; but in the present
species the sheath is smooth, not granulated ; the stipulaceous
scales are flat, and more cut; the pair of bracteas, or perichaetial
leaves, acute; and the whole plant is of a more glossy copper-
colour. These indications mentioned by Mr. Hooker are the
more valuable, as Schreber, Schmidel, Roth and Schrader have
misunderstood the two species.
We would substitute the following synonyms for
tab. 1 0 8 6 .
J UNGE RMANNI A dilatata.
D ila te d J u n g e rm a n n ia .
S p e c . Char. Shoots creeping, branched. Leaves imbricated
in two rows, roundish, rather convex, entire,
with an inflated side-lobe. Scales cut, flat.
Sheaths terminal,obovate, triangular,tuberculated.
Syn. Ju n g e rm an n ia dilatata. Linn. Sp. PI. 1600.
Huds. 514. With. 878. Hull. 280. L ig h t/. 781.
Jtelh. 439. Sibth. 311. Abbot. 1253. Hooker
B r it. Jung. t. 5.
L ichenastrum imbricatum &c. Dill. Muse. 497.
t. 72. ƒ. 27.
This is very common on the trunks of trees.