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BRYUM rostratum.
Long-beaked Thyme Thread-moss.
'L l / .
Gen. Char. Caps, ovate-oblong, smooth. Fringe
double : outer of 16 teeth, broad at their base : inner
a toothed membrane. Floivers terminal.
Spec. Char. Stem simple. Leaves obovato-spatulate,
minutely serrated. Capsule ovate. Lid awl-shaped.
Syn. Bryum rostratum. Schrad. Spicil. 72. Sm. FI.
Brit. 1369.
B. serpyllifolium /3. Huds. 492.
B. punctatum, var. 2. Hull. 266.
B. pendulum, serpilli folio longiore pellucido, capsulis
oblongis cuspidatis. Dill. Muse. 416. t. 53. f . 80.
Herb. Dill.
Mnium punctatum, var. 2. With. 806.
F O R this, which is much rarer and less known than the last,
we are also obliged to Mr. Dalton, who found it at Copgrove
and Plumpton, Yorkshire, in April 1805. Dillenius had it
from his friend Richardson, who botanized much in the
western part of that county.
It has been confounded with B. punctatum, t. 1183, to
which an error of Dillenius has contributed, who figures and
describes the leaves as entire, whereas they are finely serrated,
even in his own specimen, as well as ours and Dr. Schrader s.
The stems are about an inch long, the fertile ones erect.
Leaves different from those of B. punctatum in being smaller,
more spatulate, not evidently dotted or reticulated, their
margins finely serrated, not entire. Fruit-stalks often several
together, an inch and half long, reddish or orange-coloured,
purple at the base. Capsule pendulous, nearly elliptical,
greenish with a pale red mouth. Lid nearly as long as the
capsule, recurved, tapering, yellow and somewhat obtuse
when ripe.