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JUNGERMANNIA bigulpidrtar&A
Forked ‘Jungermannia,
G e n . C h a r . Male flowers fefllle.
Female on a footftalk rifing from a fheath. Cap-
fule with 4 valves. Seeds attached to elaftic filaments.
S p e c . C h a r . Fronds Amply pinnated, bearing the
fructification about the middle. Leaflets cloven
at the tip.
S yn. Jungermannia bicufpidata. Linn. Sp. PI. 1598.
Hud/, p i. An. 511. With. Bot. Arr. V. 3. 142.
Relh. Cant. Supp. 2. 19. Sibth. Oxon. 310.
Lichenaftrum Trichomanis fade, foliolis bifidis, minimum.
Rail Syn. 113.
L . pinnulis acutiffime bifidis, minimum. Bill.
Mu/c. 488. t. 'jo. f . 13.
G ATHERED April 24, 1795,111 Hornfey wood in full fructification,
as it is not unfrequently found at that feafon of the
year in moift lhady places.
It is fuppofed to be perennial, forming fmall patches of light
green procumbent leafy branches, which are either Ample or
divided, clothed with little roundilh leaves ranged alternately in
two rows, the tips of which are cloven with an acutely an-
gulated Anus. The flower-ftalks are folitary and lateral about
the middle of each branch, each ariAng from a tubular lacerated
green fheath, fcaly at its bafe, and bearing a globofe black cap-
fule, which foon burlts into 4 valves. We have not feen the
male flowers (defcribed by Hedwig) in this nor any other fpecies,
but his fidelity is indubitable.