[ 2546 ]
R I C C I A glauca.
Glaucous lliccia.
CRYPT0GAM1A Hepathce.
Gen. Char. Male, scattered warts ?
Female, Gerrrien globose, sunk, with the style, in
the fi ■ond. Capsule exposed, globose, crowned
with the style, of one cell. Seeds numerous, elliptical.
Spec. Char. Leaves smooth, channelled, two-lobed,
bluntish, glaucous. Capsules towards the base.
Seeds pointed at each end.
S yn. Riccia glauca. Linn. Sp. PI. 1605. Hud's. 522.
With. 887. v. 1. 391. t. l 6. ƒ . 76—8O. Hull. 283.
Relh. 443. Siblh. 314. Hedu}. Theor. I l 6. t. 29.
Schmid. Ic. 170, t. 44. ƒ 1.
Lichen, sive Hepatica, foliis crassis, rutse murariae,
aut chamsedryos foliis laciniatis quodammodo simi-
libus. R a ii Syn. Il6,
L. minimus, foliis venosis, bifariam vel trifariam se
dividendo progredientibus. Hill. Muse. 533. t. 78,
1 10. _ _ _ _ _
F o u n d on sandy ground, either heathy or cultivated, in the
winter and spring. The fronds form roundish patches, conspicuous
by their glaucous hue. Their substance is thick and rather
fleshy, and the under side is fixed firmly to the earth by fibrous
radicles. Each leaf is usually divided deeply, and the segments,
bluntly two-lobed. A broad furrow runs along the upper side, in
which the capsules lie, at first deeply imbedded; but as they ripen
they burst through the skin, and display an innumerable quantity
of minute black seeds, which Hedwig found to be pointed at each
end. The same great botanist observed powdery warts on the
plant, in an earlier state, which he presumed to be male blossoms.