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H Y P N U M rugosum.
Yellow JVolf’s-claw Feather-moss.
G e n . C h a r . Caps, ovate-oblong, from a lateral scaly
sheath. Outer fr in g e o f 16 teeth, dilated at the base:
inner a variously-toothed membrane. Veil smooth.
S p e c . C h a r . Stem procumbent, somewhat pinnate.
Leaves folded, keeled, falcate, twisted, furrowed,
pointed, single-ribbed. Lid conical.
Syn. Hypnum rugosum. L in n . JVLant. 131. Sm.
F l. B r it. 1325. Dicks. Crypt, fa s c . 2. 12.
I I . Sicc. fa s c . 1. 23. With. 856. H ull. 271.
'Winch, v. 1. 111. Swartz. Muse. Suec. 57.
H. lutescens crispum, Lycopodii facie. Dill.
Muse. 2S9. t. 37. ƒ . 24. ,
'W A T E R Y places about Lqch Rannoch, Perthshire, a celebrated
spot for botany, first afforded Mr. Dickson the present
Hypnum, which Dillenius knew in Germany only, and for
which Hedwig, Ehrliart, and many of less note, have mistaken
a different moss, whose leaves are transversely corrugated,
not known in Britain. Mr. Winch has favoured us with the
true rugosum, from Prestwick Car in Northumberland.
The stems are procumbent, imperfectly pinnate, leafy, the
branches upright, obtuse, slightly hooked. Leaves of a yellow
or tawny green, rusty or black with age, closely imbricated,
strongly curved to one side, and in some degree
twisted. They are lanceolate, entire, with a long taper point,
compressed, keeled, single-ribbed throughout, furrowed lengthwise,
when dry, but not across. Sheaths close, of shorter
broader leaves. Fruitstalk two inches long, erect, dark purple.
Capsule inclining, a little curved, cylindrical, ovate at. the
base, dilated at the mouth. Lid conical, short, acute.