G en. Char. Male flowers feffile.
Capfule on a ftalk riling from a fheath, o f 4 valves.
Seeds attached to elaftic filaments.
Spec. C h a r . Stems nearly upright. Flowers termi-
nal. Leaves two-ranked, fpreading, roundilh,
auricled beneath ; the uppermoft finely toothed.
Syn. Jungermannia purpurea. Scop. Cam. v . 2. 347*
Hull. 279.
J. cochleariformis. W ith 876.
Mnium Jungermannia. Linn. Sp. PI. 1579’
4-73* Lichenaftrum alpinum purpureum, folus auritis et
cochleariformibus. Dill. Mufc. 479. ƒ. 09. / . 1.
L . trichomanis facie, prselongum, foliis concavis
unam partem fpedtantibus. Raii Syn. 1x2.
G a t h e r e d by Mr. Griffith in rivulets and bogs on the
mountains of North Wales, where indeed it has W been
known to grow; but the fruftification fo pca-feft m hi< J« -
cimens here delineated, has never been found before m Britain.
Dillenius never faw the capfules, nor did Micheli, who only
knew the plant by a fpecimen Sherard fent him. They are
P" p e r e l S i l r S S S * , * to 4 inch« high . t a d -
ing, or, when many together, ere&, a little branched, thickly
clothed with two ranks of fpreading, rather concave leaves
very various in form, but generally roundiffi, obtufe, the
lowermoft fmaller and entire; the upper ones larger, and
finely toothed; all more or lefs of a purple hue, and each
leaf Is accompanied by a fmaller leaf or auricle, of its own
figure, but not toothed. Starved or unhealthy pkmts ha'*j
obfong entire leaves and auricles, of a pale or whitiffi hue, and
couldShardly be fuppofed the fame fpecies. The fteaths are
terminal, purple, cylindrical, entire, and very obtuie. Stalk
near an inch long when perfeft, white and tender. Capfule
b rWe c a n ^ I “ uTagree with Dr. Hull in preferring Scopoli’s
expreffive name to the recent one of Withering. How ftrange
is it that Linnaeus fuppofed this plant a Mnium.