G e n . C h a r . Caps, ovate-oblong, from a lateral scaly
sheath. Outer fr in g e of 16 teeth, dilated at the base:
inner a variously-toothed membrane. Veil smooth.
S p e c . C h a r . Branches straggling. Leaves ovate, pointed,
slightly serrated, single-ribbed about half their length.
Lid conical. Fruit-stalk granulated.
Syn. Hypnum brevirostrum. Ehrh. Crypt. 85.
H . Rutabulum. Linn. Sp. PL 1590. Sm. FI. B rit.
1320. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 276. Crypt, v. 4. 29.
i 12. Buds. 496. W ith . 851. Hull. 270.
Relk. 432. Sibth. 297. Abbot. 245. Turn.
Muse. Hib. 179.
H. dentatum vulgatissimum, operculis obtusis. Dill.
Muse. 295. t. 38. f . 29.
H. repens, triangularibus minoribus foliis. R aii Syn. 80.
O n e of the most common of Mosses about trees, hedges,
and bushy places, bearing fruit in the spring.
Stems perennial, elastic, procumbent, from 3 to 6 inches,
or more, in length, irregularly branched; the branches curved,
cylindrical, leafy, taper-pointed. Leaves light yellowish green,
spreading every way, rather shining, ovate, broadish at the
base, pointed, plain, furnished with a rib which disappears before
it reaches the point, the edge (especially of the upper
half) marked with broad shallow serratures. Fruitstalks an
inch or more in length, red, all over granulated or rough
with minute tubercles. Sheath small, loosely imbricated.
Capsule ovate, curved and inclining, smooth. Lid short, conical,
bluntish with a little point.
The old specific name, derived from an extremely reprehensible
fancy of Vaillant’s, has inadvertently been admitted
hitherto; but it is never too late to alter what can convey no
other idea than a bad one. Respecting such changes we trust
apologies are needless. We therefore adopt the expressive
name of Ehrhart, only amending its latinity.