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Jagged-leaved Jungermannia.
CRYPT0GAM1A Hepaticce.
Gen. Char. Male flowers sessile. Anthers stalked.
Capsule on a stalk, rising from a sheath, of 4 valves.
Seeds attached to elastic filaments.
Spec. Char. Creeping, prostrate, scarcely divided.
Leaves spreading in two rows, squarish, wavy*
with about three unequal, often notched, segments.
Sheaths terminal, obovate, contracted
and torn at the mouth.
Syn. Jungermannia incisa. Schrad. Samml.fasc. 2 . 5.
Hooker Brit. Jung. t. 10.
J. n. 1862. jHall. Hist. v. 3. 59.
B y no means an uncommon kind of Jungermannia, especially
in moist places, among Bog-moss and Mar chan tics.
The stems are short, creeping, mostly simple, leafy, rather
thick, and swelling upward. Leaves spreading, in two ranks,
the upper ones most crowded, all light green, with a singularly
crisped and jagged aspect; partly clasping the stem with their
broad base; their figure very irregular but in some measure
square, cut into two or three very unequal and various segments,
some of which are acutely notched. Sheath solitary, terminal, obovate,
the mouth contracted and finely laciniated.
This is allied to excisa, t. 2497, but abundantly distinct.