I 2073 }
H Y P N UM revolvers
CurlinOg-leaved Feather-moss.
& 5
Gen. Ch a r * Caps. ovate-oblong, from a lateral scaly
sheath. Outer fringe of 16 teeth, dilated, at the base.
inner a variously-toothed membrane. Ceil smooth.
S p e c . C h a r . Stem nearly erect, pinnate. Leaves
awlshaped, compressed, twisted into a sickle-shape,
single-ribbed ; striated when dry. Lid conical.
Syn. Hypnum revolvens. Swartz. Muse. Suec. 58 and
10 1 . L 7 . / . 14. Sm. FI. Brit. 1327. Turn. Muse.
Hib. 188. Winch. Guide, v. 1. 111.
F ir s t observed by the late Dr; Scott in boggy places near
Swanliiibar, Ireland, but without fructification. Our specimens
were communicated from Prestwick Car, Northumberland,
by Mr. J. Thornhill in 1 8 04, and Mr. Winch in 1806.
They agree precisely with others sent by the original describes
of this species, Professor Swartz.
The plant before us has something of the habit of H. scor-
pioides, t . 1039, not so well expressed in that plate as we
could have wished, the specimens not having acquired their
rich tawny colour. This is much smaller, more erect, and
of a still darker hue, almost black, except the young;branches,
whose leaves are • pale green, soon becoming tawny. The
branches are short, alternate, and spreading. Leaves rather
shining, closely imbricated, curved to one side, lanceolate or
ovate, with an awlshaped acute termination, compressed,
keeled, much curved and twisted, single-ribbed; when dry
striated. Sheath pale brown, slender, close. Fruit-stalk
above 2 inches high, red, wavy. Capsule cylindrical, curved,
drooping, of a rusty hue, becoming slightly but irregularly
furrowed by drying. Lid conical, short, with a little
point. .
The compressed carinated leaves* and dark colour* distin-
guish this from H. aduncum, which is moreover a smaller