BRYUM turbinatum.
Tear-shaped, Bog Thread-moss.
Gen. Char. Outer fringe of 16 teeth, broad at the
base : inner a toothed membrane. Flowers terminal.
Capsule ovate-oblong, smooth. Veil smooth.
Spec. Char. Stem branched. Leaves ovate, bearded,
entire. Capsule pear-shaped, pendulous.
Syn. Bryum turbinatum. Swartz. Muse. Suec. 49.
Sm. FI. Brit. 1366.
B. triquetrum y. Huds. 491.
B. palustre complicatum rubens, capsulis turbinatis
pendulis. Dill. Muse. 406. 1. 51. ƒ. 74.
B. nitidum rubens, capitulis reflexis, foliis angustis
pellucidis, cauliculis proliferis. Dill, in Raii
Syn. 102.
Mnium turbinatum. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 191. Crypt,
v. 3. 22. t. 8.
M. nutans. With. 803. Hull. 255.
T h i s seems to be a rare species. Dillenius mentions
Shooter’s hill and Wales as its stations. The Rev. Mr. Dalton
finds it on Scotton banks near Knaresborough, and no where
else. It bears fruit in spring and summer, and loves a wet
sandy soil.
Stems about an inch high, perennial, branching, reddish.
Leaves bright green, pellucid, reticulated, alternate, ovate,
entire, with a strong rib ending in a small bristly point.
Fruitstalk dark red, wavy, about an inch high. Capsule
pendulous, pear-shaped, of a light shining brown when ripe.
Lid convex, with a little point which is only perceptible in an
early state. Fringe yellowish with a rusty hue.