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JU N G E RM A N N IA calyptrifolia.
Hoocled-leaved Jungermannia.
CRYPTO GAM1A Hepaticat.
Gen. Char. M a le flow ers se ssile . Anthers s ta lk e d .
Capsule o n a s ta lk ,r is in g from a s h e a th , o f 4 v alv es.
Seeds a tta c h e d to e la s tic f ilam e n ts .
Spec. Char. Creeping, branched. Leaves two-ranked,
obovate, pointed, convoluted, inflated, with a
squarish convoluted side-lobe. Scales linear, cloven.
Sheaths lateral, abrupt, five-pointed. Fruit-
stalk jointed.
Syn. Jungermannia calyptrifolia. Hooker Brit. Jung,
t. 43.
T h is species, most happily named,-by Mr. Hooker, from the
curious resemblance of its leaves to the calyptra, or veil, of a moss,
was discovered by Miss Hutchins, oh the base of the stems of
Ulex nanus, t. 743, in heathy mountainous places near Bantiy.
Mr. Lyell found the same on rocks at Lowdore, Cumberland.
The stems are branched, forming small pale-green tufts about
half an inch wide. Leaves indistinctly disposed in two rows, alternate,
ascending, each twisted and inflated in a manner to be
best understood from the figure, with a square side-lobe enveloping
their base, and a remarkable terminal point. Sheaths lateral,
with a pair of abrupt leaves at their-base, oblong, abrupt, with
five angles, each of which terminates in a prominent point at the
top. Fruitstalk formed of zigzag compound joints, as in the last,
with which species also the erect valves of the capsule, bearing the
tubes containing the seeds and spiral filaments, agree.