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H Y P N U M stramineum.
Straw-like Feather-moss,
Gen. Char. Caps, ovate-oblong, from a lateral scaly
sheath. Outer fr in g e o f 16 teeth, dilated at the base;
inner a variously-toothed membrane. Veil smooth.
Spec. Char. Stem b u t little branched, thread-shaped,
erect. Leaves elliptic-lanceolate, concave, destitute
o f a nerve. Lid convex, with a short point.
Svn. H y p n um stramineum. Dicks. Crypt, fa s c . 1. 6.
t. l , f . 9 . H . Sicc.fasc. 11, 21. Sm. FI. B rit. 1303.
With, 860, Hull. 273, Turn. Muse. Hib. 164,
C o m m u n ic a t e d long ago by Mr. Dickson, from a bog,
on the west side of Hampstead heath. Mr, Turner finds this
species near Yarmouth. Its slender, pale, shining, straw-coloured
aspect is remarkable. The stems throw out but a few
short branches, and are covered with leaves, loosely imbricated
every way, which are elliptic-lanceolate, bluntish, concave,
entire, destitute of any proper rib or nerve, but often, as Mr.
Turner observes, furnished with a few longitudinal plaits in
their lower part. Sheaths pale, close, situated about the middle
of the stem, Fruitstalk upright, wavy, two inches long,
of a shining red. Capsule ovate, inclining and curved, short,
rusty-coloured when ripe. Lid convex or very slightly conical,
with a short point. Veil pale brown with a black tip,
Hedwig has not noticed this moss,