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A S P L E N I U M Trich oman es.
Common Maidenhair Sftleenwort.
C R Y P T O G A M I A Ftlices.
Gen. Char. Frudlif. in icattered lines. InvoJucrum
originating laterally from a vein, and burfting
Spec. Char. Frond pinnated. Leaflets roundiih,
Syn. Afplenium Trichomanes. Linn. Sj>. PI. 1540.
Hudf. 452. With. 768. Relh. 388. Sibth. 268.
Abbot. 225. Bolt. Fil. t. 13. Woodv. Med.Bot.
t. 204. Dickf. H. Sicc. fafc. 4. 17.
Trichomanes. Raii Syn. 110.
i> i OT uncommon on fhady rocks, old walls, the north fide
of churches and limilar lituations, where its fruftification may
be found at almoft all feafons.
Root tufted, woolly, perennial. Fronds numerous, fpreading,
lanceolate, conlifting of a fmooth, dark-brown, polilhed (talk,
bearing many pairs of oppofite, roundiih, or rather ovate,
crenate leaflets, of a deep green; their under fide producing 6
or 8 oblong fpots of fru6tification, whofe covering membrane
opens towards the mid-rib. The numerous capfules confift of
two hemifpheres bound by an elaftic jointed ring, as in moll
o f the Ftlices dorjiferce.
This is a pretty fern, not unworthy of a place on lhady
rockwork, and about grottos or fountains. Its medical virtues are
very doubtful. It has been ufed as a fubftitute for the Maidenhair
of warmer climates, Adicmtum Capillus Veneris, from
which afyrup is made, perfumed with orange-flowers, and
called Syrup of Capillaire. The virtues of even this, as a cure
for coughs and colds, are probably owing to the fugar more
than to the Maidenhair.