Smooth Single-fringed Bristle-moss,
Gen. Char. Caps, oblong, terminal. Outer fringe
o f 16 teeth; inner o f 8 or 16 bristles; or none,
Veil angular, mostly clothed with erect hairs.
Spec. Char. Stem branched. Leaves ovato-Ianceolate,
keeled.- Fringe simple. Veil naked, nearly entire.
Syn. Orthotrichum nudum. Dicks. Crypt, fasc. 4. 6 .
t. 10. f . 13. Sm. FI. Brit. 1 2 6 8 . Turn. Muse.
Hibem. 97-
Bryum sessile. With. 810.
G r o w s on rotten wood in damp shady places about rivers.
Mr. Sowerby gathered it on upright posts by the Thames at
Wandsworth, bearing fruit in April 1796, nor had it been observed
before except in Wales,
The stems grow in loose horizontal tufts, about an inch long,
branched and leafy. Leaves dark-green, spreading, of a broad
lanceolate figure, rather pointed, beardless, keeled, entire,
scarcely revolute, except when dried. Capsules on short terminal
stalks, ovate, chiefly furrowed in their upper part. Veil
pale and greenish with a brown tip, quite naked, unequally
furrowed, its margin almost entire. Lid when young conical,
but afterwards nearly flat, with a short blunt point. Fringe
always simple, of 16 upright or inflexed teeth, at first combined
in pairs, but afterwards separated.
0 . anomalum of Hedwig, and 0 . Brownianum of FI. Brit.,
two very different species from this, are the only British ones
besides with a single fringe.