P H A S C U M curvicollutn.
Crooked Phafcitm,
C R Y P T O G A M I A Mu/ci.
Gen . Char. Capfule with a lid, the mouth ciliated.
Veil minute, deciduous.
Spec. Char. Stem none. Capfules on curved ftalks.
Leaves ovato-lanceolate, acuminated, fpreading.
Syn. Phafcum curvicollum. Dick/. Crypt, fafc. 2. 1.
With. Bot. Arr. v. j . 7 3 . Relh. Cant. fafc. 3. 8.
G AT H E R E D by the Rev. Mr. Hemfted on a dry bank
near Newmarket; Mr. Dickfon found it on barren graffy fpots
near Croydon. It ripens its fruit in April or May, and may
probably be not uncommon, though fo minute as to be rarely
Each plant is fimple, with a fibrous root, a few lanceolate,
entire, pointed, pellucid, fpreading leaves, which vary in
breadth, and from the centre of which arifes a fhort, reddilh,
curved and recurved ftalk, bearing a roundith capfule of the
fame colour. The lid afcends obliquely. The veil is more
confiderable and permanent than the generic character feems to
require, nor can we difcover any fatisfa&ory reafon why this
plant fhould not be efteemed a Bryum, though for the prefent
we leave it where the moil accurate judges have placed it, at
leaft till fome more folid generic characters of mofies can be dif-