D IC RATST UM ovale.
Oval Fork-moss.
Gen. Char. Caps, oblong. Fringe of 16 fiat, cloven
teeth, a little inflexed.
Spec. Char. Stems branched, level-topped. Leaves
lanceolate, hair-pointed. Capsule ovate, erect,
rather wide at the mouth.
Svn. Dicranum ovale. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 140. Crypt,
v. 3. 81. t. 34, A. Sm. FI. Brit. 1214. Turn.
Muse. Hib. 77* Winch, v. 2 . 10 2 .
D . ovatum. Swartz. Muse. Suec. 35.
Bryum ovale. Dicks. Crypt. fasc. 4. 14.
G r a n it e rocks on Ben High, Scotland, are said by Mr.
G. Don to produce this moss, but sparingly.! Our specimens
were gathered there by himself, and we have Irish ones from
the late Dr. Scott, They all agree with what Dr. Swartz has
sent, except in the different states of their capsules, which by
age become more and more dilated at the orifice.
The species before us has much of the appearance of D. el-
Upticum, t. 1901, but the stems are more decidedly branched,
taper and rather naked at the base. Leaves dark-green,
opaque, lanceolate, keeled, entire, somewhat revolute, at least
when dry; the tipper ones each tipped with a white, entire,
hair-like point. Fruitstalks erect, pale, short; twisted when
dry. Capsule erect, ovate, palish; at length wide-mouthed,
brown, and in some degree rugged. Fringe red, short. Lid
short, with a blunt point.,