/ r< 3 . . [ 1272 ]
DICRANUM heteromallum.
Silky Heath Fork-moss.
Gen. Char. Caps, oblong. F r in g e of 16 flat, cloven
teeth, a little inflexed.
Spec. Char. Stem generally simple. Leaves capillary,
leaning one way, single-nerved, dilated at the
base. Capsule obovate, gibbous.
Syn. Dicranum heteromallum. Sm. F I . B r i t . 1204.
Hedw. Sp. Muse. 128. Crypt. v . 1. 68. t. 26.
Sibth. 282.
Bryum heteromallum. L in n . Sp. P L 1583.. Huds.
484. H u ll. 268. A b b o t. 240. D icks . H . Sicc.
fa s c . 12. 23. D i l l . Muse. 375. t. 41. / . 37.
B. trichoides, reclinatis cauliculis, capitulis erectis
acutis. R a i i Syn. 96.
Mnium heteromallum. W ith . 801. Relh. 418.
H a r d gravelly walks in woods, broken shady banks, and
such kind of dry situations, produce this moss in abundance.
In the winter and spring it sometimes forms a wide-extended
velvet -carpet of a vivid green, and in texture like the softest
silk. The capsules are plentiful in spring, and continue during
some part of the summer, especially if the season be moist.
Root probably annual. Stems erect, mostly undivided,
leafy, about half an inch high. Leaves all curved towards
Qne side, long, soft and flexible, capillary, gradually dilated
towards the base, in which part a strong rib is visible. Fruit-
stalks solitary, about an inch high or more, capillary, twisting,
yellow or brownish. Capsule of a shining chesnut colour,
obovate, gibbous on one side, which seems to occasion its inclined
position. Lid with a fine taper curved point as long
as the capsule. Fringe red> large and ornamental.