B R Y U M fcoparium.
Broom B r yum.
C R Y P T 0 GA M IA Mufci,
G est. Char. Capf. with a lid. V eil fmooth. Flower-
J ta lk from a terminal tubercle.
S pec. Char. Capfules a little curved, with an awl-
fhaped lid. Leaves curved to one fide. Stem
S yn. Bryum fcoparium. Linn. Sp. PL 1 5 8 2 . Hudf.
FI. An. 4 8 3 . With. Bot. Arr. v. 3 . 10 6 . Relh.
Cant. 4 0 3 . Curt. Lond. Fafc. 1 . t. 6 9 .
B. erecftis capitulis anguftifoliurp, caule reclinato.
Rail Syn. 9 5 .
B. reclinatum, foliis falcatis, fcoparum effigie. Dill.
Mufc. 3 5 7 . t. 4 6 . ƒ. 16 .
Dicranum fcoparium. Sibth. Ox. 2 8 1 .
A COMMON mofs on heaths, dry pafture ground, and
the trunks of trees, growing in large patches, eafily difcerni-
ble by their filky gloffinefs, and which make an elegant kind
of artificial turf for clothing the mould of garden pots, when
kept in the houfe.
The Items' are perennial, long, (landing clofe together, but
a little curved or reclining; clothed with brown filky down,
and with numerous, thick-fet, narrow, finely tapering, entire
leaves, curved towards one fide, efpecially about the fummit.
The (talks appear in the early part of fummer, arifing from
the fcaly termination of each Item, and are long, ere£t, of a
reddifh {hining yellow, and twilled. They are moftly folitary,
and we have reafon to fufpedl the kind with cluftered ftalks, fee
Dill. fig. D , is a diftinfl fpecies. The capfules are nearly cylindrical,
a little curved. Lid. long and taper. Veil of the
fame figure, draw-coloured. Male flowers few, terminating
fome of the (terns, and furrounded with leaves fpreading in
the form of a (lar.