T O R T U L A ruralis.
Great Hairy Screw-mosS.
Gen. Char.^ F r in g e simple, o f numerous capillary
teeth, spirally and repeatedly twisted together.
Spec. Char. Stem branched. Leaves obtuse, recurved,
hair-pointed; the uppermost stellated. Capsule
cylindrical, somewhat ovate.
Sy n . Tor tula ruralis. E h rh . Crypt. 184. Sm. F l.
B r i t . 1254. Sibth. 285. T u rn . Muse. B ib . 50.
Barbula ruralis. Hedw. Sp. M u s e . 121.
Bryum rurale. L in n . Sp. P I . 1581. B u d s . 476.
W i th . 836. B u l l . 265. Relh. 426. A b b o t . 241.
D ick s . B . S ic c .fa s c . 15. 18.
B. rurale unguiculatum hirsutum, elatius et ramosius.
D i l l . Muse. 352. t. 45. f . 12 .
B. majus, erectis falcatis capitulis, foliis latiusculis
extantibus, in pilum canescentem desinentibus. R ail
Syn. 94.
COMMON upon walls and the old trunks of trees, but
especially on the roofs of cottages or barns in the country,
which it generally overspreads in broad thick cushion-like
patches, of a dirty brown, somewhat hoary, aspect in dry
hot weather; dark green in the winter and spring ; when the
capsules and their red stalks are copiously produced.
The stems are an inch or two high, branched, elastic, level-
topped, leafy. Leaves of a dull green, oblong, very obtuse,
so as to be almost obovate, entire, recurved, having a central
red nerve, which ends in a long, tawny, roughish, wavy hair.
Fruitstalks at first terminal, but soon becoming lateral, firm,
erect, an inch and half long. Capsule slender, erect, smooth,
chesnut-coloured. Lid scarcely shorter than the capsule,
curved, red. Fringe tawny, shorter than the lid, closely
twisted, the teeth at the base pale, and united into a firm perforated
tube, from which last character some late botanists
have .made a new genus of this and a few other Tortulce. The
veil is. long, awlshaped, brown, a little dilated at the lower