[ H 3* ]
SPLACHNUM anguftatum.
Narrow-leaved Splachnurn.
Gf.n. Char. Cap/, cylindrical, placed on a flefhy
receptacle. Fringe Ample, of 16 teeth, (landing
in pairs.
Spec. Char. R e c e p t a c l e o b o v a te , b r o w n i f h . L e a v e s
l a n c e o l a te , p o in te d , b e a r d e d ; t h e u p p e r o n e s f e r r
â t e d .
S yn. S p l a c h n n m a n g u f t a tu m . Linn. fil. Melh.
Mufc. 33. Hedw. Sp. Mufc. 51. Crypt, v, 2. 37.
t. 12. Dick/. Crypt, fafc. 2. 3. With. 792.
wW F, believe the fpecies of Splachnurn generally grow on
the dung of animals, and for the mod part in mountainous
fituations. Mr. G. Donn gathered the prefent kind upon
cow-dung on the tide of Lochawen, Scotland, growing with
S.fpheencum, fee vol. 1 r. t. 783.
It was originally defcribed by Dr. Swartz in his Diflertation
upon Modes, publithed under the prefidency of the younger
Linnaeus, and was firft announced as a Britifh plant by
Mr. Dickfon.
The ftems form very denfe tufts, and are from one to two
or three inches high, fimple or divided, leafy, thickly clothed
with rutty fibres below. Leaves bright green, lanceolate,
acute, tipped with a long taper point; the uppermoft ferrated.
Fruit-ftalk fhorter than in any other known fpecies, being
fcarcely half an inch long, yellowith-brown, ftraight. Receptacle
obovate, brown when ripe, much fhorter than the
ripe capfule, and fomewhat broader. Capfule brown, with a
fpreading mouth, furrounded with yellowifh teeth. Lid
convex. Veil conical, whitifh.
The Splachna may be prefumed to be annual or biennial,
from the tranfient duration o f the foil on which they grow.
They generally flower early in fummer, and foon bring their
fruit to perfection.
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T e lT l.1803JMbhj/ke<l b y Ta *SowrbyZondon