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H Y P N U M taxifolium.
Tew-leaved Hypnum.
C R T P T O G A M I A Mufci.
Gen. Char. Capf. with a lid. Veil fmooth. Flower,
Jlalk from a lateral tubercle inverted with fcales.
Spec. Char. F rond perfectly Ample, pinnate, lanceolate.
Flower-ftalks from the bafe.
Sy n . Hypnum taxifolium. Linn. Sp. PI. 1 5 8 7 . Hudf.
FI. An. 5 9 3 . With. Bot. Arr. ed. 3 . 843. Relb.
Cant. 4 0 7 .
H . repens filicifolium non ramofum, pediculis bre-
vioribus ad radicem egredientibus. Rail Syn. 88.
H . taxifo'rme minus, ball capfulifera. Bill. Mufc. 263,
ft 34» f 2 .
Dicranum taxifolium. Sibth. Ox. 2 7 9 .
7 7
- OUND Wlth H. adiantoides (i. 264) in a thady pit, in Ken-
fington Gardens, towards Bayfwater Gate, where it produces
its capfules in February, nor is it uncommon elfewhere in
fimilar fituations.
The fronds form fmall tufts, each of them being fcarcely half
an inch long, unbranched, flat, pinnate, compofed of two ranks
of clofely imbricated alternate leaflets, which are comprefled,
deeply keeled, pointed, entire. From a fcaly bud at the bafe
arifes a flender red ftalk, twice as long as the frond, bearing a
nearly cylindrical inclining capfule* the teeth of which are
cloven half way down. The lid has a taper beak, as has the
veil alfo. The parts of fructification very much agree with
thofe of H. adiantoides, from which this fpecies is however
clearly diflinguifhed by its fmaller fize, Ample fronds, and
radical ftalks.