G en. Ch a r . Caps, cylindrical, placed on a fleshy
receptacle. F r in g e simple, of 16 teeth, standing
in pairs.
Spec. Ch a r . Receptacle obconical, green. Leaves
elliptic-lanceolate, bearded, entire.
Syn. Splachnum mniodes. L in n . F i l . M e th . Muse. 26.
Sm. F I . B r i t . 1169. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 51. Crypt,
v. 2. 35. t. 11. D ick s . Crypt, fa s c . 1. 2. With. 793.
H u ll. 246.
I n the 11th volume of this work, t. 786, a Splachnum is
figured by the name of mnioides, which has since been distinguished
from that species, and is the fastigiatum of the
Flora Britannica, which name is therefore to be applied to
our t. 786, and all the references, except to Dill. t. M. f. 5,
which is certainly right, exchanged for those indicated in
FI. Brit. 1172. It is also to be observed that the receptacle
in our above-mentioned figure should be of a deep red rather
than brown. , .
The true mnioides here represented was received from
7 £S< )
-4 />riZ a ..x ê o S . S<zF J o M /e riy , ASantZpfts.