f f . [ 2027 ]
G en. Char. Capsule ovate, without any separate lid,
deciduous. Veil minute, deciduous.
S p e c . C h a r . Stem none. Leaves ovate, concave,
closely imbricated, beardless ; the upper ones serrated
towards the point. Capsule globose, nearly
Syn. Phascum muticum. Schreb. Phase. 8 . t. 1 , f 11—
14. Sm. FI. Brit. 1156. Linn. MSS. in Sp. PL
1570. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 23. With. 784. Hull.
251. Ehrh. Crypt. 172. Turn. Muse. Hib. 3.
P. acaulon (2. Linn. Sp. PI. 1570. Huds. 466.
Sphagnum acaulon bulbiforme minus. D ill. Muse.
252. t. 32. f . 12.
S. acaulon, foliis in bulbi formam congestis, minus.
D ill, in Raii Syn. 105.
V e r y common upon sandy banks and heaths in winter and
early spring. It is an extremely small species, though larger
than P. serratum, t. 460, and growing in broad dense patches
is easily observable. Its general hue is usually a more tawny
and shining green than P. cuspidatum, t. 2025, with which
it was formerly, but very improperly, confounded.
Root annual, creeping. Stem absolutely wanting. Leaves
cohering into an oval shape resembling a little bulb, each of
them ovate, concave, with a mid-rib and minute recurved
point, though no terminal hair. They have been thought
entire, but Mr. J. D. Sowerby has found some of the upper
or inner ones more or less deeply serrated towards the point.
Capsule globular, quite hidden by the leaves, very nearly
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