C 239 ] / b
C R T P T 0 GAM I A Mifcellanee.
Gen. Char. Capfules axillary, folitary, naked, kidney-
thaped, o f two elaftic valves and one cell. Seeds
numerous, minute.
Spec. Char. Leaves fcattered, entire. Spikes terminal,
S yn. Lycopodium inundatum. Linn. Sp. PI. 1565.
Hud/. FI. An. 4 6 3 . With. Pot. Arr. v. 3. 69.
Relh. Cant. 393.
L. paluftre repens, clava fingulari. Dill. Mufc. 45?.
t. 62. / . 7.
Mufcus terreftris repens, clavis fingularibus foliofis
ereclis. Raii Syn. 108. .
O n e of our lefs common fpecies of Club-mofs. It may
however be met with on the wet part of turfy bogs, efpecially
on a fandy bottom, as Baglhot Heath, and St. Faith’s bogs
near Norwich.
The roots are perennial^ and the ftems creeping, clofe-
prefled againft the ground. Leaves thickly fet without any
regular order; thofe on the proftrate ftems curved upwards
from the ground, pointed, entire, llightly concave, of a palifh
green. Short upright Ample ftems or branches, on which the
leaves fpread in every direction, arife here and there, each
bearing one ereft leafy fpike of roundifh capfules, the leaves
accompanying which capfules have fometimes a large tooth
on each flde towards their bafe.
-The fructification may be found from the end of June to