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L Y C O P O D I U M alpinum.
Alpine Club-mofs,
C R T P T 0 GAM I A Mifiellanex.
Gen. Char. Capfules axillary, folitary, naked, kidney-
(haped, of two elaftic valves and one cell. Seeds
numerous, minute.
Spec. Char. Leaves acute, imbricated in four rows.
Shoots ereft, cloven. Spikes felTile, cylindrical.
S yn. Lycopodium alpinum. Linn. Sp. PI. 1567.
HudJ. FI. An. 464. JVith. Bat. Arr. v. 3. 70.
Dickf. Dr. Plants, 46.
L. Sabinas facie. Rail Syn. 108. Dill. Mufc. 443.
/. 5 8 ./. 2.
A N inhabitant of feveral high mountains of the north of
England, Scotland and Wales, communicated to us by Mr.
Robfon of Darlington.
The Items are round, leafy, ftrong and woody, proftrate,
creeping along the ground with roots at intervals like L. clava-
tum. Tufts of ere£t Ihoots, feveral times forked, or rather
cloven, arife here and there, from one to three inches in height,
their branches entirely clothed with four rows of imbricated
leaves, which are lanceolate, concave, entire, fmooth, beard-
lefs, and but little fpreading. Some longer branches terminate
in one or two fhort ere£t fpikes, compofed of fcales fomewhat
membranous, ovate, pointed at each end, each of which is accompanied
by a capfule like that of other fpecies of the fame