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P H A S C U M crifpum.
Curled Clujlered Phafcutn.
C R Y P T O G A M I A Mufct.
Gen. Char. Capf. ovate, without any feparate lid.
Veil minute, deciduous.
Spec. Char. Stem-leaves minute, tcattered; floral-
leaves cluttered, elongated, pointed, incurved, entire.
Syn. Phafcum crifpum. Hedw. Mufc. v . i . t . 9.
D is c o v e r e d at Ampthill, Bedfordthire, in March 1799,
by the Rev. Mr. Abbot, to whom we are obliged for this fpe-
From Hedwig’s excellent figure and defcription, there can
be no doubt of its being his P. crifpum, though he defcribes
fome of the floral leaves more incurved and contorted than we
have found them.
This little mofs grows in rather fertile places, efpecially (as
Hedwig fays) upon old mole-hills. It flowers in the beginning
of winter, and ripens its capfules, with us at leaft, in April.
The roots are fibrous and much branched. Stems about a
quarter of an inch high, Ample or branched, fpreading, clothed
with minute, fcattered, entire leaves, and crowned with a thick
tuft of much longer, taper-pointed leaves, whofe points are often
incurved or contorted, efpecially when dry. The numerous capfules
Hand almoft feflile among thefe long leaves, and are elliptical,
with a minute beak, and a flender tapering veil.