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G R IM MIA? Forsteri.
Forsterian Grimmîa.
G en. Char . Fringe simple, o f 16 teeth, broadest at
their base. Flowers terminal. Feil cylindrical.
Spec. C har. Leaves ovate, concave, pointless. Capsule
ovate-oblong, erect. Lid awlshaped, curved.
Syn. Grimmia ? Forsteri. Sm. Fl. B r it. 1196.
Bryum Forsteri. Dicks. Cryp t, fa s c . 3. 4. t. 7 . ƒ . 8.
A l l the known specimens of this moss were taken by Mr.
T. F. Forster from the trunks of felled trees at Walthamstow,
nor has it been seen in such a state as to ascertain any thing
precise respecting its genus. We strongly suspect it may not
prove different from Milium conoideum, t. 1239, with which
the singular reticulations of the leaves, and the furrows of the
fruit, agree; but the very poor specimens of each which we
possess, will not admit of absolute decision. In this state of
things we feel bound to furnish all the information we can,
however incomplete, that others may judge.
The stems form little tufts, of a very humble stature.
Leaves of a dullish green, ovate, concave, entire, with a strong
central rib, pointed, but not tipped with any hair or bristle;
the base somewhat elongated. The substance of the leaf is all
over finely dotted, rather than reticulated, just as in Mnium,
se e /. 1238, 1239. Fruitstalk half an inch high, yellowish,
twisted. Capsule ovate-oblong, erect, green and unripe in
our specimen, strongly furrowed longitudinally. Lid awl-
shaped, curved, pale, nearly as long as the capsule. Nothing
is known concerning the fringe or veil.
From the young state of the capsule, its real shape cannot
exactly be determined; but its furrows are visible enough, and
do not appear to be owing, as we once thought, to mere contraction
in drying, being exactly parallel and very regular, as
the generic character of Mnium requires.