2 d o . [ 1707 ]
TRICHOSTOMUM trifariurn.
Three-ranked Fringe-moss.
G en. Char. Caps, oblong. Fringe o f 32 capillary,
straightish teeth, approximated or united in pairs.
S pec. Char. Leaves lanceolate or awlshaped, in three
rows, keeled, entire. Capsule ovate. Stem branched.
Stamens at the base o f the fruitstalk.
Syn. Trichostomum trifariurn. Sm. FI. Brit. 1235. -
Cynontodium trifariurn. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 57.
Swartzia trifaria. Hedw. Crypt, v. 2. 76. t. 28. Ehrh.
Crypt. 174.
Bryum trifariurn. Dicks. Crypt, fasc . 3. 8. With. 827.
Hull. 261. Abbot. 238.
O u r kind friend the Rev. Dr. Abbot has favoured us with
specimens of this rare moss, discovered by himself at Clapham
springs near Bedford. They perfectly agree with those of Mr.
Dickson, and we think with Ehrhart’s (which are the only
authority Tor what Hedwig intended); but the last-mentioned
having but very young capsules, we cannot ascertain whether
Hedwig’s figure of the fringe, certainly unlike ours, be exact.
In the important and unfrequent circumstance of the stamens
being in the same flower with the capsule both agree. This
character Hedwig has described, but not delineated.
This moss is perennial, bearing fruit in March and April.
The stems are branched, and form tufts scarcely half an inch
high, of a dull and rather rusty hue. Leaves keeled, entire,
with a strong rib, but no bristly point: the lower ones are
lanceolate; the upper awlshaped, spreading in 3 directions.
Flowers terminal. Stamens few, jointed, accompanied by a
few brown pistills, of which 1 only comes to perfection.
Fruitstalk red, twisted, at length lateral, bulbous at the base,
surrounded by several abortive pistills. Capsule small, ovate,
smooth, brown, erect. Lid conical, scarcely so long as the
capsule, nearly straight. Fringe pale and long.