GRIMMIA maritima.
Sea Grimmia.
G e n . C h a r . Fringe simple, o f 16 teeth, broadest at
their base. Flowers terminal. Veil cylindrical.
Spec. Char. L e a v e s l a n c e o l a t e , a c u t e , b e a r d l e s s , i n c
u r v e d w h e n d r y . C a p s u l e u m s h a p e d . F r i n g e
i m p e r f o r a t e . L i d w i t h a s h o r t s t r a i g h t i s h p o i n t .
S y n . G rimmia maritima. Sm. F I . B rit. 1199. Turn.
Muse. Hib. 23. t. 3 . f 2 .
W e first received this moss from Mr. G. Donn, who found
it on rocks exposed to spring tides about the ferry at Dundee,
and also on the coast of Fife. Dr. Scott observed it in similar
situations at Balbriggen in Ireland, and Mr. Templeton mentions
it as common on all the maritime rocks of that country.
It bears fruit from July to October, and is perennial.
The short upright branched stems, thickly clothed with
dark leaves, form dense tufts of a dull brown hue. The leaves
are lanceolate, entire, taper-pointed, but not bearded, so that
the plant has no hoary appearance; they have a strong central
rib. The younger leaves are of a bright green, but they soon
turn brown, not black. Capsules terminal, on short erect
stalks, short, cup- or urn-shaped, smooth, brown, not rising
so high as the leaves; their orifice dilated. Fringe dark red,
its teeth not (as in some species) pierced with holes. Lid
broad at the base, convex, its point short, and but slightly