y o z .
Slender Sfilachnum.
G en. Char. Cap/, cylindrical, placed on a flefliy
receptacle. Fringe Ample, o f 16 teeth, ftanding
in pairs.
Spec. Char. Receptacle obconical, flender, brown.
Leaves ovate, acute, ferrated, beardlefs.
Syn. Splachnum tenue. Dickf. Crypt, fafc. 2. 2.
With. 793. Hull. 2 46.
S. purpureum. With. 7 94. t. 1 8 . ƒ . 9. Hull. 246,
G a t h e r e d m oaober on the very lofty mountains of
Invemefs-flhire by Mr. G. Donn. It has alfo been found by
the fame indefatigable and excellent obferver, as well as by
Mr. Dickfon, upon Ben Lawers; and by Mr. Griffith in
North Wales: but its original difcoverer was Dr. F. Buchannan,
who gathered it at his paternal feat at Leney near Stirling, in
1783. No foreign writer feems to have known this fpecies,
but Mr. D. Turner is pofiefled of fpecimens lately gathered at
the Hartz by Mr. Mohr. Can it be S. Jerratum of Hedw.
Sp. Mufc. 53. t. 8.?
The Hems are generally very fhort, forming tufts. Leaves
ovate, or rather obovate, acute, not bearded, flat, finely ferrated,
evidently and beautifully reticulated, of a fine green,
turning red in decay. Stalk an inch and half or two inches
high, of a beautiful red in the lower part, pale or yellowifh at
the top, but as it grows old the whole becomes of a dark
red. Receptacle flender, though rather long, inverfely conical,
green when young, dark red or brown when ripe, not thicker
than the capfule, but in a dried ftate even more flender.
Capfule dark-brown. Lid convex, brown. Veil conical,
blunt, tipped with brown.
This fpecies occurs twice in Dr. Withering’s work, having
been in one inftance defcribed from Mr. Griffith’s fpecimens,
and in the other adopted from Mr. Dickfon.
IFelm J803.F ulljfhed T>y Sct.Sowerby.Ximdm.