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PTEROGONIUM ? rotundifolium.
Round-leaved Wing-moss.
Gen. Char. Caps, oblong, from a lateral scaly sheath.
F r in g e simple, of l6 linear upright teeth. V e i l generally
Spec. Char. Stems ascending, tufted, scarcely
branched. Leaves closely imbricated, roundish-
ovate, obtuse, entire.
Syn. Pterogonium rotundifolium. T u rn . M s s .
A f t e r the example of Mr. Turner, we venture, by the
habit alone of this moss, to presume, without much scruple,
upon its genus; and at the request of that gentleman, to whom
we are obliged for specimens, we publish a figure of it, even
though the fructification is unknown.
The plant was discovered in the south of Ireland, by Mr.
Mackay, in 1805, whether on trees, rocks, or the earth, we
know not. The stems grow ascending, or nearly erect, in dense
tufts, being scarcely an inch high, simple, or sometimes subdivided,
swelling upwards and obtuse. The leaves are closely
imbricated, roundish, or broadly ovate, obtuse, entire, of a pale
but dull green, minutely and obliquely reticulated, with little or
no appearance of any rib.