/ 5 b
GRIMMIA stricta.
Upright Brown Grimmia.
G en. Char. Fringe simple, of 16 teeth, broadest at
their base. Flowers terminal. Veil cylindrical.
Spec. Char. Leaves ovato-lanceolate, pointed, somewhat
bearded, imbricated, a little spreading. Capsule
top-shaped, stalked. Branches straight, erect.
Syn. Grimmia stricta. Turn. Muse. Hib. 20. t. 2. ƒ. 1.
M r . TURNER, to whom we are obliged for this very rare
moss, and who alone has hitherto mentioned it, received this
specimen from Dr. Scott, who found it in Ireland, on stones
near Swanlinbar. Afterwards Mr. Turner himself gathered the
same on the rocks of Snowdon..
Its dark copper-colour is remarkable. The stems are more
upright and straight, as well as less copiously branched, than
those of G. apocarpa, t. 1134, and the leaves are narrower,
with very slight traces in general of any hair at the tip, though
in some that appendage is evident. The capsules are elevated
on a stalk, full as long as themselves, and are top-shaped,
or urn-shaped, very dark-coloured, smooth, with a convex,
blunt-pointed, straight lid. The whole plant when dry is
blackish and very brittle, compared by Mr. Turner to Andrcea
alpina, t. 1278, in its first aspect.
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