H Y P N U M adiantoides.
Upright Hypnum.
C R T P TO G A M IA Mufei.
Gen. Char. Capfule with a lid. Veil fmooth.
Flower-Jlalk from a lateral tubercle invefted with
Spec. Char. Frond pinnated, compreffed, branched,
upright. Flower-ftalks from about the middle
of the branch.
Syn. Hypnum adiantoides. Linn. Sp. PL 1588.
Hudf. FI. An. 494. With. Bot. Arr. v. 3. 116.
Relh. Cant. 408.
H. eredtum filicifolium ramofum, pinnulis acutis.
Rail Syn. 8 7 .
H. taxiforme paluftre ramofum, majus 6c erectum.
Dill. Mujc. 264. t. 34. ƒ. 3.
N o t rare in wet boggy and fhady places, among grafs
and other modes, producing its capfules early in the fpring.
We gathered it in Kenfington gardens.
The whole frond is fomewhat rigid, fmooth, of a fine
bright green, eredf, about two inches high, always more or
lefs branched. Leaflets alternate, clofely arranged in two
rows, compreffed, and therefore making the frond perfectly
flat; they are pointed, entire, embracing the main rib at their
bafe, and very deeply carinated at their back. One or two
flower-ftalks are produced from near the middle of each
branch, each originating from a fcaly bud. They rife much
above the fummit of the branch. The capfule is brown,
nearly cylindrical, but not very long; the lid red, with a long
taper beak; veil pellucid, tipped with brown; teeth of the
capfule about fifteen, deeply cloven.