/-?y [ 2551 ]
G R I MM IA pusilla.
D w a r f Grimmia.
Gen. Char. Fringe simple, of l6 teeth, broadest at
their base. Flowers terminal. Veil cylindrical.
Spec. Char. Stem scarcely any. Leaves bristleshaped.
Capsule ovate, erect, smooth, dilated at
the mouth.
S yn. Grimmia pusilla. Roth. Germ. v. 3. 147 . Sm.
FI. Brit. 1184.
Weisia pusilla. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 64. Crypt, v. 2.
7 8 . t. 29, A.
Bryum paludosum. Linn. Sp. PI. 1584. Huds. 478,
With. 813. Hull. 257.
B. trichodes acaulon palustre minimum, setis et
capsulis brevissimis. Dill. Muse. 387. t. 4Q. f . 53.
S om e doubts having been started, though perhaps without
reason, respecting the specimens of this rare little moss found
near Ambleside, as noted in the Flora Britanniea, we have
procured the certain plant of Dillenius and Hedwig from Mr.
Dickson. It grows on mountainous bogs in Wales and the north
of England, bearing fruit early in the spring.
This is one of the least of mosses, and is presumed to be annual.
The stem is so short as to be hardly discernible. Leaves several,
light green, turning brownish with age, moderately spreading*
bristle-shaped, dilated at the base, with a strong midrib.
Fruitstalk central, solitary, erect, slender, pale, seldom quite
straight. Capsule erect, ovate, smooth and even, pale brown
when ripe. Our specimens have neither fringe nor lid. The
former is figured by Hedwig with sixteen red spreading teeth J
the latter is awlshaped, curved, about as long as the capsule.