Gen. Char. Capsule ovate, without any separate lid,
deciduous. Veil minute, deciduous.
Spec. Char. Stem elongated and branched. Leaves
oblong, flattish, hair-pointed, erect. Capsule globose,
nearly sessile.
Syn. Phascum Schreberianum. Dicks. Crypt.fasc. 4. 2.
Sm. FI. Brit. 1155.
P. cuspidatum. Schreb. Phase. 8. t. 1 .ƒ . 1— 5, exclusive
o f the quotation o f Dillenius, which belongs
to our t. 2025.
COMMUNICATED by Mr. William Backhouse, from wet
barren fields near Darlington, in the spring. Mr. Dickson
first distinguished this from the moss in our preceding plate,
from which it seems distinct, though some of our most observing
friends judge it a variety caused by luxuriance and
moisture of soil.
It differs in being much larger, taller and decidedly branched,
each stem, which is leafy throughout, bearing several capsules j
but especially in its flatter and more elongated leaves, which
often spread so as to expose the fruit. In other respects we
find no material difference, and Mr. Turner thinks he has
traced it, by intermediate specimens about Yarmouth, to the
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