
1 [ 1489 ]
GRIMMIA recurvata.
Recurved Grimmia.
Gen. Char. Fringe simple, o f 16 teeth, broadest at
their base. Flowers terminal. Veil cylindrical.
S pec. Char. Leaves bristle-shaped. Capsule pear-shaped,
smooth, with a spreading mouth. Fruit-stalk
Syn. Grimmia recurvata. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 15. Crypt,
v. 1. 102. t. 38. Sm. FI. Brit. 1183. Turn. Muse.
Hib. 24.
Bryum recurvatum. Dicks. Crypt, fasc. 2. 1. With.
B. setaceum. Wulf. in Jacq. Mise. v. 2. 96. t. 12.
ƒ . 1. Hull. 265.
O u r spe c imens were g a the red o n a coarse k in d o f sandsto
n e a t H a c k fa ll, Y o rk sh ire , b y o u r exce llent friend the
R ev. Jam e s D a lto n . O th e rs have b e en se n t us by M r. G. Don
from Sa lisbury craigs n e a r E d in b u rg h .
T h is is one o f th e smallest o f M o sse s. I t is a n annual, and
bears fru it early in th e sum m e r. T h e ro o t is fibrous, very
m in u te . S tem sh o rt, simple an d leafy. Leaves numerous,
o f a lig h t b rig h t g re en, n o t g laucous, very slender, tapering,
e n tire , spre ading. F ru it-s ta lk te rm in a l, solita ry, capillary,
e re c t w h e n y o u n g , b u t as th e fru it advances towards maturity
i t is curved in to a b ow , an d th e c apsule , w h ic h is pear-shaped,
sm o o th , an d o f an olive b row n , is b e n t d ownw ard , and becomes
a t le n g th dilated and b e ll-sh a p ed . L id tape ring, incu
rv ed , h a lf as lo n g as th e capsule. F rin g e sh o rt, red,
sp re ad in g .