S P L A C H N U M gracile.
Zigzag Gland-moss.
G en. Char. Caps, cylindrical, placed on a fleshy
receptacle. Fringe simple, o f 16 teeth, standing
in pairs.
Spec. Char. Receptacle globose, rusty-brown. Leaves
ovate, with a serrated point. Fruit-stalk zigzag.
Syn. Splachnum gracile. Dicks. Crypt, fasc . 4. 3. t. 10.
f . 5. Sm. FI. Brit. 1174.
S. sphæricum (2. Turn. Muse. Hib. 15.
S. vasculosum. Duds. 469. Lightf. 697. With. 791,
with wrong synonyms and descriptions. Hull. 245.
B r o u g h t from Ben Lawers in the Highlands by Mr,
Turner and Mr. W . J. Hooker. We think, with Mr. Dickson,
that it is a very distinct species. Before the species of
Splachnum were well discriminated, this was taken for the
vasculosum of Linnaeus, a beautiful and very different one,
never yet found in Britain; but it is rather wonderful that,
after Hedwig’s admirable and striking figures in his 2d vol.
of Cryptogamia were published, this should still be misunderstood.
It grows generally on cow-dung, on wet alpine bogs or
moors, being annual, of quick growth, and found in perfection
about July. It is generally much smaller than S. sphee-
ricum, t. 785. Stems very short. Leaves ovate, broad, entire
except at the point, which is elongated and serrated. Fruit-
stalks an inch or more in height, much bent or zigzag, of a,
tawny orange. Receptacle (or pedestal) globose, of a red
rusty brown, smooth. Capsule paler and shorter, its teeth
usually lasting, refiexed. Lid hemispherical, with a very
blunt point.