/ i 3.
G R IM MI A Dicksoni.
Dicksonian Grimmia.
Gen. Char. Fringe simple, of 16 teeth, broadest at
their base, Flowers terminal. Veil cylindrical.
Spec. Char. Leaves linear-lanceolate, keeled, curled
when dry. Capsule cylindrical, somewhat elliptical,
contracted at the mouth. Lid slender.
Syn. Grimmia Dicksoni. Sm. FI. Brit. 1188. Turn.
Muse. Hibern. 27.
Weisia Dicksoni. Willden. Berol. 303.
W . cirrata. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 69. t. 12. f . 7—12.
Mnium cirratum. Linn. Sp. PI. 1576.
Bryum Dicksoni. Dicks. Crypt, fasc. 3. 4. With. 826.
Hull. 261.
B. cirratum et stellatum, tenuioribus foliis. Dill,
Muse. 379. t. 48. ƒ 42.
B. trichoides exile, erectis capitulis in pediculis lon-
gioribus rubris. D ill, in Raii Syn. 97.
T h i s is found on park walls and pales in many different
parts of England, bearing fruit about April. It is nearest
allied to G. controversa, figured in t. 1367, but differs in
being about thrice as large, with longer and more cylindrical
capsules, brown, smooth, and delicately formed, remarkably
contracted at their orifice, by which last character they are
readily known from every other British Grimmia, and especially
from the G. cirrata of FI. Brit. The fringe is small
and red, as well' as the edge of the capsule. Lid very slender
from just above the base. Leaves bright green, narrow, acute,
entire, much curled when dry. Fruit-stalks slender, yellowish.
As Professor Willdenow has most unfortunately mistaken
this for the moss so well illustrated by Mr. Dickson (G. con-
trover sa), and has therefore called it by his name, we would not
change it, though cirrata should more properly belong to this
JF'e& F jt.jLB oS. ty T a F J o tv e rty , Jlvn Jo n s.