Gen, Char. Capsule ovate, without any separate lid,
deciduous. Veil minute, deciduous.
Spec. Char. Stem branched. Branches simple} the
barren ones longest and ascending. Leases awl-
shaped, alternate.
Syn. Phascum alternifolium. Dicks. Crypt, fa s c . 2.
t . l . f . 2 . Sm. FL B rit. 1157. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 24.
JViih. 7 8 6 . Hull. 2 5 2 . Rellu 4 1 3 . Abbot. 229.
O u R specimens were gathered in moist spots upon Epping
Forest by Mr. E. Forster, but the plant has been found in various
parts of the midland counties. It is annual, bearing
fruit in April.
The stems form tufts, and are commonly once or twice divided,
the barren branches being much elongated, ascending
or straggling, leafy} the fertile ones short, terminating in a
tuft of longer leaves, among which is found one little oval
sessile capsule. Sometimes we have found, instead of a capsule,
an elliptical congeries of apparent gemmee, or bulbs,
for it is not easy to say which. The leaves are all alternate,
awl-shaped, acute, single-ribbed and entire.