/ z b [ 1988 ]
G R I M M IA striata.
Striated Grimmia.
Gen. Char. Fringe s i m p l e , o f 16 t e e t h , b r o a d e s t a t
t h e i r b a s e . Flowers t e r m i n a l . Veil c y l i n d r i c a l .
Spec. Char. L e a v e s l i n e a r - l a n c e o l a t e , a c u t e , k e e l e d
e n t i r e , i n c u r v e d w h e n d r y . C a p s u l e b e l l - s h a p e d ,
f u r r o w e d . L i d b r i s t l e - s h a p e d , o b l i q u e .
Syn. G r i m m i a s t r i a t a . Schrad. Journ. 1799. v . 2. 57.
Sm. FI. Brit. 1185.
G . crispata. Roth. Germ. v. 3. 145.
Weisia fugax. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 64. t. 13. ƒ . 5— 10.
Bryum crispatum. Dicks. Crypt, fasc . 3. 3. t. 7 . f . 4.
With. 833. Hull. 264.
SCOTTISH specimens of this rare moss were communicated
by Mr. Turner; we have received very fine ones also from
Snowdon, gathered by Mr. Griffith. It is one of the smallest
of the Grimtnice, annual, growing in tufts, and bearing fruit
in May and June.
The stems are about a quarter of an inch high, very slender,
brittle, branched, leafy. Leaves light-green, linear or somewhat
lanceolate, entire, acute, keeled, strongly reticulated,
furnished with a strong mid-rib. ^Vhen dry they are incurved
and crisped. Fruitstalks about a quarter^f an inch long, erect,
yellowish. Capsule erect, red-brown, small, ovale, at length
dilated and bell-shaped, furrowed. Lid as long as the capsule,
oblique, awlshaped, slender. Fringe pale-brown or reddish,
its teeth generally cohering by their tips, and, as Hedwig observes,
very brittle, so that their bases only remain. Veil
^ong, cylindrical, erect, yellowish.