[ 1438 ]
GRIMMIA recurvirostra.
Blunt-curve-beaked Grimmia.
G en . Char. Fringe simple, o f 16 teeth, broadest at
their base. Flowers terminal. Veil cylindrical.
S pec. Char. Leaves linear-lanceolate, keeled. Capsule
cylindrical. Lid cylindrical, somewhat conical,
obtuse, recurved,
S yn. Grimmia recurvirostra. Sm. FI. Brit. 1190. Sibth.
277. Turn. Muse. Hib. 29.
Weisia recurvirostra. Hedw. Sp. Muse. 71. Crypt,
v. 1. 19. t. 7.
Bryum curvirostrum. Dicks. Crypt, fasc. 2. 7. Dr.
PI. 95. Hull. 262.
B. recurvirostrum. With. 829.
B. setaceum (5. Huds. 482.
B. stelîare lacustre, foliis rubris capillaceis. Dill. Muse.
.382. t. 48. f . 45.
GATHERED by Mr. W . Borrer on some rock-work in
Claremont park,Surrey, in the autumn of 1804. It is mentioned
as growing in dry as- well as moist places, but is not a common
moss. 1 he stems are erect, forming tufts, simple or branched,
various in height, leafy, perennial. Leaves spreading loosely,
linear-lanceolate, acute, beardless, keeled, entire, a little revolute,
curled more or less when dry, furnished with a rib;
the old ones turning to a rusty red or brick colour. Fruit-
stalk slender, red. Capsule erect, cylindrical, straight, slender,
of a red shining brown when fully ripe, its mouth neither
spreading nor contracted. Fringe delicate, white, turning
reddish by keeping. Lid short, curved, red at the base,
tapering, blunt when arrived at maturity. The fringe is that
of a Pterogonium.