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[ 2509 ]
DICRANUM Bruntoni,
Bruntonian Fork-moss.
Gen. Char. Caps, oblong. Fringe of l 6 flat, cloven
teeth, a little inflexed.
Spec. Char, Stem branched. Leaves lanceolate, acute,
serrated at the point, spreading every way ; curled
when dry. Capsule ovate, oblique, tapering at
■ the base. Lid awlshaped, curved, nearly the
length of the capsule.
A c c o r d in g to Mr. Turner’s desire, so consonant with our
own, we commemorate in this nondescript species our lamented
correspondent the late Mr. Wm. Brunton, who found it in June
1805, on Brimham rocks, near Ripon.
In natural affinity, and general aspect, this Dicranum seems
nearest to int err up turn, subvlatum, and others in their neighbourhood;
whilst in definition it may appear more like some
towards the end of the first section in FI. Brit, from which its
habit greatly differs. The stenis compose dense soft tufts, and
divide into many short leafy branches. The leaves spread every
way when moist, hut curl variously in drying ; their form is lanceolate
and acute, gradually tapering from a broad base, entire,
except some fine serratures, towards the point, and furnished with
a strong mid-rib. Fruitstalks capillary, pellucid, half an inch
Capsule inclining, ovate, unequal, smooth, of a pale shining
brown, contracted or tapering at the base, but we scarcely perceive
any apophysis. Fringe small, crimson. Lid broad and
conical at the base, with a curved taper point, nearly as long as
the capsule.