/ t / 5 [ 1421 ]
G R IM M I A nuda.
Naked Grimmia,
Gen. Char. F r in g e simple, of 16 teeth, broadest at
their base. Flowers terminal. V e il cylindrical.
Spec. Char, Leaves lanceolate, entire, acute, beardless,
Capsule roundish, inclining, smooth, Stem none.
Syn. Grimmia nuda. Sm. F I . B r i t , 1 197. T u rn . Muse,
H ib . 25.
Bryum nudum. D ic k s . Crypt, fa s c . 4. 7. /. 10. ƒ. 15.
O u r specimens of this rare moss were gathered on clay
banks by the side of the Tay, near Perth, by Mr. G. Don. It
was first discovered by Mr. G. Caley, now on an expedition to
New South Wales, in similar situations near Manchester,
We have received from Dr. Swartz specimens of the same
species, named Weisia rosea, found in Lapland by Mr. Wah-
lenberg, who has lately made great botanical discoveries in
that sequestered country.
The root is small, fibrous, and presumed to be annual.
Stem altogether wanting. Leaves few, radical, erect, of a
pale dull transparent green, lanceolate, sharp-pointed, entire.
Stalk solitary, erect, an inch or more in height, slender, rather
zigzag, of an equal thickness throughout, rose-coloured, except
at the top, where it is green when young. Capsule inclining,
almost globular, truncate, smooth, pale brown with a
red edge. Fringe upright, red. Lid conical, short and obtuse
while young, afterwards curved, contracted and acute.
Of the precise time of the capsules coming to maturity we
are not informed.