t i>/ . [ 1663 ]
TO R T U L A humilis,
D w a rf Screw-moss.
----------- u i ------
Gen. Char. Fringe simple, o f numerous capillary
teeth, spirally and repeatedly twisted together.
Spec. Char. Stem simple, or divided at the base,
L eave s ob long , somewhat spatulate, crowded, keeled,
with one rib and a small point. Capsule nearly c y lindrical.
L id awl-shaped, curved.
Syn. T o rtu la humilis. T u rn . Muse. Hib. 45,
B a rbu la humilis. Hediv. Sp. Muse. 116. t. 2 5 .f 1— 4.
AMERICA afforded the celebrated Hedwig many new mosses
which have appeared in his posthumous work, the Species Mus-
corum, and which we have also received from the same liberal
correspondent, the Rev. Dr. Muhlenberg of Lancaster in Pen-
sylvania. This is one of them, which since thé publication
of the 3d vol, of FI. Brit, has also been found in Ireland, and
is mentioned in Mr. Turner’s work above quoted. Our specimens
were gathered on rocks in Kerr’s Glen, near Belfast,
<by Mr. Templeton.
The stems form perennial tufts, and are erect, from a little
above a line in height to nearly half an inch. They are mostly
simple, and if divided, only at the base. Leaves thickly
clothing the stem, of a light bright green, or sometimes
reddish, pale at the base; their form is oblong and obtuse;
their margin entire.' The strong midrib ends in a little blunt
point. When dry the leaves are much twisted. Fruitstalks
from the upper (not lower) part of the stem, palish red, not
half an inch high. Capsule almost always erect, cylindrical,
a little swelling, red-brown, smooth. Lid more than half as
long as the capsule, awlshaped, curved; shorter and obtuse
When young, Veil slender, Fringe long, red,